1.0 Release!


The game is finally fully released, Version 1.00! The game will still slowly continue receiving bug fixes, visual changes and sound design improvements. Also I intend to look over the original mode later to rebalance it if needed.

The intend behind modes was this:

Beginner: Someone with less experience in shmups should be able to nearly complete the game, with more advanced players getting decend challenge from the later stages.

Hard: As difficult as I could make it while verifying that It's doable  to no bomb, no miss.  This verifying was done by playing  one section of the game at a time until I was able to  survive, so the mode should be possible to clear. For guide you can look up these slightly outdated  videos from my youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrGWN5RdJNOJIJe1x4jpu9w

Original: Despite it's name it's actually the hard mode  with  harder parts toned down to make it slightly more forgiving.

So for the most part this is it. Feel free to give feedback so I can do small fixes here and there overtime.  I have been toying with the idea of including alternative weapons, but  haven't been able to get them  to work withing the full game as the game is pretty tight espicially  on the hard mode.

For future projects I might release another shmup with smaller scale and focus on bullet cancelling mechanics. I also intend to make a Visual  Novel.


AlternativeMemoriesVer1.00.zip 878 MB
Jan 06, 2023

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